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In 2024, China's export trade continues to grow, and the demand for technology products is strong

According to the latest customs data, in the third quarter of 2024, China's total export trade increased by 7.5%,达到1.75 trillion dollars。Among them, the export demand for technology products, machinery and equipment and new energy auto parts is particularly strong, which has become the main driving force for export growth。

In 2024, China's export trade continues to grow, and the demand for technology products is strong.jpg

Especially in the Southeast Asian and European markets, the demand for technology-intensive products has increased significantly。China's exports of electric vehicle parts occupy a significant share in the world, especially in countries such as Germany and France, where the popularity of new energy vehicles has promoted the export of related parts。In addition, the export of green technology, clean energy equipment and other fields are also outstanding, in line with the needs of global sustainable development。

Despite challenges in the global economy, including supply chain disruptions and inflationary pressures, Chinese exporters have maintained strong export momentum by optimizing supply chain management and increasing the added value of their products。Experts expect that China's high-tech exports will continue to grow in the future as more countries step up their efforts in green development。

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